How to Make a Fire in Minecraft: Expert 2025 Guide

Fire acts as an essential factor in the Minecraft world. The fire block serves multiple functions in Minecraft since it enables cooking, provides illumination, and can be used as a weapon to fight certain enemies. Producing fire during gameplay in Minecraft APK proves entertaining to most players. Several feasible approaches exist for starting a fire in Minecraft. The following sections of this piece will demonstrate specific steps to How to Make a Fire in Minecraft.

how to make a fire in minecraft

Within Minecraft PE APK, the fire exists as a non-solid implementation. This block spreads to the other blocks near it and destroys them. The fire becomes extinguished by using water along with rain and additional blocks such as glass. The limited fire duration of this block presents two safety risks through damage to both players and mobs in the area.

How to Make a Fire in Minecraft

Six different approaches exist for making fire in Minecraft gameplay. These include:

how to make a fire in minecraft
  • Using flint and steel
  • Using a fire charge
  • Using ghast fireballs
  • Lightning provides the method to create fire while leaving out Trident and cheats from the equation.
  • Using lightning (Trident channeling)
  • Using lava

Making a Fire Using Flint and Steel

How to Make a Fire in Minecraft? You will need to acquire either manufactured or obtained flint and steel tools. There are additional instances of fortress chests containing both flint and steel items. A 3×3 crafting grid enables you to produce the items or you can find flint and steel in fortress chests. You must acquire iron ingots as well as flints to execute this task.

Making a Fire Using Flint and Steel
  • The breaking process of gravel blocks reveals flint material. A shovel and a hand are suitable tools for this purpose. The flora of multiple ecological zones contains such flint deposits.
  • You can get iron ingots by extracting them from the iron ore deposits. The necessary tool for mining iron ore or flints is a pickaxe.
  • Following the mining process, the extracted iron ores need to undergo smelting within a furnace.
  • furnace to have iron ingots. An iron ore can be smelted using a furnace.
  • Place an iron ingot with one flint on the crafting table to produce a steel ingot.
  • Open the 3×3 crafting grid after completing this step.
  • Position the flint on the third and central slot of the crafting grid.
  • Set the steel in the top left corner of the rightmost grid section.
  • The mapping of flint and ingot in this position will show steel and flint at the right-side box in the grid.
  • You can place this item on your inventory hot bar for use.
  • To start a fire you should select this steel-flint element. Click the right mouse button to drop fire at your selected area. The fire block exists as either a solid structure or serves as an invisible substance.

Making a Fire Using a Fire Charge

How to Make a Fire in Minecraft? The Minecraft dispenser allows you to generate fires by using fire charges. The following sequence of instructions will guide this method.

Making a Fire Using a Fire Charge

The first step to creating fire starts with fire charge manufacturing. You need to collect coal and gunpowder from both natural sources and blaze powder from a different type of stone location to create the material needed for fire charges.


The material requirement for coal is to collect only one piece. You can obtain coal oxide ores to acquire coal pieces that will be used for mining. The exploration of mineshafts and strongholds led to valuable discoveries of coal pieces contained in their empty chests.


The needed resource for this task includes one single piece of gunpowder. Creekers along with witchers and ghost populations provide the simplest way to obtain gunpowder. You can find gunpowder inside dungeon chests as one of its available loot items.

Blaze Powder

The procurement of blaze powder demands you to locate a single piece of this material. Manufacturing blaze rods remains the method to acquire blaze powder. The blaze rods that you obtain from killing blaze mobs will serve as the material. Blaze mobs are in nethers. The coal blocks have yellow coloring with black ocular features that make them easy to locate in your exploration.

A fire charge becomes achievable after assembling your ingredients into a 3×3 crafting table.

  • Position the blaze powder directly into the middle position of the crafting grid.
  • Place gunpowder on the left side of the top-row corner.
  • Position the coal in the right position of the lower row.
  • Three fire charges will become available for use in the right box of the crafting grid.
  • Place the fire charge in your inventory hot bar.
  • Select the fire charge.
  • Select the space for a fire then use the right mouse button to start the ignition process.
  • Users can observe how the fire begins from this position.

Making Fire Using Ghast Fireballs

Making Fire Using Ghast Fireballs

How to Make a Fire in Minecraft? The ghast among mobs uses fireballs as its main attack mechanism. The process of positioning ghasts at their desired locations followed by having them discharge fireballs creates an easy fire-starting method. The process can be dangerous to handlers because it might harm them.

First, find the ghasts. You will usually discover ghasts within the nether region. The locations for finding ghasts include underground lava pools and surfaces close to the ground.
The process of approaching ghasts should occur with caution after locating them. Safety precautions must be implemented since any harm could occur. Using fire-resistant potions together with a shield offers protection while performing this task. When you need to attract their attention while staying away from the ghast you should use a bow and arrow instead.

Fishing rods serve as another alternative to lure them.
Lead the ghasts to begin the fire from the selected site. Stand before your target spot while letting ghasts fireballs harmlessly pass by your dodging movements. A sword combined with projectiles provides enough protection to avoid the fireballs thrown by ghasts. Your precise movements will enable the fireballs to reach their designated location where they will ignite the fire.

When you lack alternative row materials this method becomes an effective solution.

Making Fire Using Lightning

Making Fire Using Lightning (No Trident and No Cheats)

You can choose this method to generate fires in Minecraft.

Thunderstorms need to occur before proceeding with this method. Between these two biomes, thunderstorms fail to occur. The biome needs to be different from the ones mentioned.

You will need to construct netherrack blocks into a target shape that is 9×9 square for the suitable biome. It should be 9×9 square. Making multiple targets within the biome proves beneficial since bolts of lightning will strike these targets by chance.
The hit of lightning at your target creates a resulting fire.

Using Lightning (Trident Channeling)

Using Lightning (Trident Channeling)

Follow this procedure to generate light-based fires with the trident channeling method.
Trident ownership entitles you to the process. The leftover tridents emerge from drowned enemy destructions.

When obtaining a trident you must use channeling enchantment to apply it to your weapon. The enchantment enables exact target strikes for lightning bolts.

To trigger the thunderstorms you should hold the trident while aiming at the target. The target gets a fire created through the trident when lightning strikes it.

Making a Fire Using Lava

Making a Fire Using Lava

Making fire starts with the utilization of lava as an alternative method. Here is the step-wise guidance.

First, you have to find lava. The natural occurrences of lava appear both in lava pools and inside caves. Lava resides both in the underground and within the Nether dimensions.

The next step requires gathering the flowing lava into an empty bucket. The creation of a bucket requires three iron ingots since you do not possess one already.

The first step involves carrying lava from its collection site to the desired fire location. Place a bucket near the target area before pouring lava into it.

Any block adjacent to lava will automatically ignite due to fire contact.
The method requires attention as handling lava poses risks for human injuries.

Final Thoughts

How to Make a Fire in Minecraft? Players can benefit from the useful nature of fire when playing Minecraft 1.21. The players need only follow basic steps to create fire under necessary circumstances. Making a fire requires using any of the six different methods available. The procedures for following these methods remain easy to execute. You should select the best and most straightforward approach from the six described methods when you need to create fire in Minecraft Pro APK.

You need to possess the item called flint and steel. Press the right-click button on the flint and steel when they are in contact with a block to start the burning process. The ability to burn flammable blocks through fire enables single-source forest clearing to create spacious Minecraft structures.

All you require to produce these products is Coal alongside Blaze Powder and Gunpowder as the main ingredients. The amount of Gunpowder added to an item determines its explosion intensity while Coal extends burning time and Blaze Powder strengthens the fire blast. The limit for each one is 3.

A Fire Charge serves either as a disposable Flint and Steel or generates a circular flame from a dispenser component.

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