How to Get and Use Honeycomb in Minecraft Free Latest Guide


Bees and honeycombs are newly added additions to the famous sandbox game Minecraft APK and are a means of entertaining its players. This adventure game is full of natural wonders that the developers bring reality close to what one faces in the outside world. For example, the addition of bees and Honeycomb in Minecraft is one of those amazing things.

 Use Honeycomb in Minecraft

Minecraft Pocket is played by millions of people across the world, and hence, it’s still updating the features of the game. However, staying updated is necessary because you wish to revel in the unending adventures that it can bring you as you would. This article will let you know about how to use honeycombs, what does it have to do with bees in the game, etc.

Why Honeycomb is Important in Minecraft?

Why Honeycomb is Important in Minecraft

How to Get Honeycomb in Minecraft?

The Honeycomb in Minecraft can be of use to craft other beehives, candles, and also waxed copper (which is used for something different each time).

The honeycombs can also be used to open a honeycomb farm in Minecraft World. This will help you survive by yourself and you can keep your bees for any need.

When trying to grab a honeycomb, you have to be careful. Violently doing this can upset the bees in there which makes them dangerous.

How to Get Honeycomb in Minecraft?

In order to get a honeycomb in your garden, follow the below instructions carefully:

You will need two shears first and a bee nest or beehive.

For the shears, you will need 2 Iron Ingots. You can smelt an iron ore to find the iron ingots.

And then you should put those iron Ingots on the crafting table. Put one in the middle and one in the bottom left corner.

If you walk around the green territory with trees in your world, it’s easy to find a bee nest. They come randomly and are surrounded by bees. This way you won’t miss them if you pass them by.

But to harvest a bee nest it should first be filled with honey. The nest will show the honey level at the side of it.

The honey will accumulate when the bees leave the nest to produce pollen as a result and come back. The daytime rate (not during rain) is higher. At a level of 5, the bee nest is ready to be harvested when the level reaches 5. At this stage, you will be able to see the oozing honey coming down the nest.

With 2 shears you collected you now have two shears by which you can harvest the bee nest. While you’re harvesting the honeycomb nest, 3 honeycomb units will go out of inventory and your honey level will (optionally) drop back to 0. However, while you’re doing that be careful of the bees inside. And they have the chase of getting out of the nest suddenly and chasing you. If they are able to sting you, you will be poisoned for a short time. Also, know that they won’t stop until you’ve been stung at least once. Back off from the bee nest emptying, very carefully.

You can do this until you have what you want for the number of honeycombs. Riding around you’ll find another, and while one bee nest is being refilled you can roam around. This way, you will make progress more easily. As long as the bees are about you will have a steady supply of Honeycomb in Minecraft.

How to Use Honeycombs in Minecraft?

How to Use Honeycombs in Minecraft

Once you have enough honeycombs you can use them to help you in the game. The second is that by using them to make beehives. A bee nest and they are the same as a beehive you can put them where you want to. Bees must find a beehive, or they must be intended for bees to find a beehive on purpose.

To make a beehive, you first need to open your crafting table and stick planks on the top and bottom rows. With the honeycombs you have, fill the middle row now. This will give you a beehive.

You can also use honeycombs to make candles. In these places where it’s down, it can be used as a light source. However, you will have to light them up with Flint and steel. You can do this by putting a string above one Honeycomb piece. Honeycomb Block is craftable if you form a square of 4 pieces of honeycombs on your crafting table. It’s used mostly as decoration instead of something further useful.

You can also get waxed copper from a Honeycomb in Minecraft APK. The way to do that is to combine any copper item with a honeycomb. Waxed copper is used because it will prevent your copper from oxidizing and remaining in its original color for a long time.

Tips For Honeycombs in Minecraft

If you are harvesting a bee nest, to prevent them getting angry you could light a fire under the nest. And not only, you can also use a campfire within 5 blocks of the bee nest as you please. The smoke will calm the bees. Just as a good way to stop them from attacking you and poisoning you.

You can literally hold a flower closer to it to lure the bees to a beehive. They are quickly drawn in to flowers nearby. Here you have to remember that you can only have 3 bees in each beehive. The beehives are allowed to pack that much at any given time.

The honeycomb farms are self sustaining. You can get rid of stuffy white safety suits.

Final Words

Most Minecraft PE APK users find the new features of bees and honeycomb in Minecraft interesting. While knowing how to use them correctly definitely adds to your fun. You are however now aware of how to handle bees, bee nests, beehives, and Honeycomb in Minecraft, so that is why you read the details in this article. But the game has changed essentially by the introduction of bees.

This means you can step out and have a good time with the fun without delay. Moreover, you don’t want to do things you aren’t supposed to, so pay attention to the notes.

You’re to put all the honeycombs in a furnace or a smoker and out shall come the beeswax. It’s a good introduction to the way wax gets extracted from real-life honeycomb and is a good starting point for crafting.

Pry off the frames with the hive tool, gently. Be careful not to squash the bees. Gently brush bees off of the frames if you have bees on them. If Using Frames: They get put in the honey extractor and spun the honey out. It leaves the comb for the bees to work with again.

Items that can be gained by shearing full bee nests and beehives are honeycombs. Beehives, candles, honeycomb blocks, and many more uses, can be used to concoct and apply wax to many copper blocks to help them not oxidize over time as well as to signs to stop people from being able to edit.

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